Endocrinology, last presented in 2018, is another of the
popular subjects in Dr. Blount's "Practical" Seminar Series. In this Seminar you'll have the potential
to obtain a wealth of information you can put to use immediately in your clinic, plus satisfy your total
requirement of 17 CE Hours for 2020.
This seminar will cover the Endocrinology topics most commonly seen in small
animal practice such as:
●Addison's Disease
●Cushing's Syndrome
●Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus,
●Thyroid and Calcium disorders,
●Growth Hormone disorders, and
As these hormonal diseases present numerous health
care challenges, we'll focus on diagnosis and treatment in the trenches. For example, you'll get answers
to the following questions and many more:
- Is ACTH stim or Low Dose Dex better for diagnosing Hyperadrenocorticism? Endogenous ACTH?
Baseline Cortisol? Urine cortisol:creatinine?
- How do you diagnose and treat Hypercalcemia? When is it clinically significant?
- When is it safe and appropriate to do a water deprivation test?
- Can Hypothyroidism problems as extreme as paralysis, heart disease and aggressive behavior?
- What is the best way to treat the Hyperthyroid cat?
- Which insulin is best for dogs and cats? How do you keep the Diabetic Ketoacidotic patient
alive long enough for the insulin to work?
- Is treating Cushings Disease a productive exercise? What is the best treatment? ?li>