"Home Page" (Synopsis)
For over 10 years Dr. Wendy Blount's Practical Seminars have brought you a
wealth of informative internal medicine subjects.
These various subjects have covered many of the
major body systems of companion animals. They have been presented in a lecture format with necessary
labs designed so you can put this information to use immediately in your clinic to enhance your patient
Now Dr. Blount introduces yet another new subject, "Infectious Diseases".
This seminar is designed to address most major companion animal diseases, how to diagnosis them and how
to treat them in the most practical and effective way.
Come join us this February 17 & 18, 2024 at the Ellen Trout Educational Complex on the property
of the Ellen Trout Zoo in Lufkin, Texas for this very informative new seminar.
In addition to standard Infectious Diseases, here are some examples of new information this seminar
will cover:
There's no question that new patterns of resistance are emerging in
canine/feline heartworm disease. These new resistance patterns will be thoroughly discussed.
A number of newly identified infectious diseases will be covered, including Staggering Disease
in cats and the new mysterious Kennel Cough in dogs that is being discussed in numerous Internet
and Media formats. Learn the difference between Truth and Fiction about these diseases.
Methicillin Resistant Staphs are being seen with increasing frequency in general small animal
practice. Come get the latest and greatest on how to diagnose and manage these bugs.
Find out about the new diseases coming into Texas for the first time. Some examples of these
are Chagas and Lyme Disease.
Contact Russ
phone: (936) 564-7792   e-mail:
Seminar approved by ETVMA
James M. Morton, DVM - President
17 Hour Units for Veterinary CE in Texas
Note: Other states may be added on request with
sufficient notice. Charges may apply)
Seminar presented by: