You're invited to one of Dr. Wendy Blount's newest seminar subjects, which has quickly become
one of her most popular.
To follow is part of what is available in this seminar for you:
During the 2 Days and 17 CE Seminar Hours , values
of the first tier tests (serology, urine and fecal) will be discussed in detail, and a list of
differential diagnoses for each.
Also covered will be a system to work through these
diagnoses in a logical manner to arrive at the correct diagnoses, for optimum health
care benefits.
The most commonly indicated outside lab tests for the problems
we see most often in the trenches of small animal practice will be discussed, considering when to
use these tests, how to collect and ship test samples, and where to send them.
Real case examples will be introduced all throughout this seminar
showing how lab tests made all the difference to a successful healthcare outcome.
Included in your proceedings will be PowerPoint presentations, client
handouts on tests we discuss (explaining why we recommend a particular test), diagnostic aid charts,
algorithms, and much more.
During this seminar you'll also learn the answers to these important questions:
What is the best way to diagnose and monitor your diabetic
patients? You'll learn how to best use glucose curves (in clinic and at home),
continuous glucose monitoring devices, and fructosamine to keep them at home and out of your hospital. We
will discuss in clinic monitoring in case they do get sick, to improve the likelihood of recovery.
How do solve the mystery of the hypoglycemic patient?
Learn about the best test for insulinoma, liver disease, and the other causes of hypoglycemia.
How do you make sense of the hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia?
Systematically identifying the cause of hypoalbuminemia must done if you are going to solve this serious
problem. Identifying the cause of the the hyperlipidemia is the first step to providing life saving
Elevated liver enzymes need not be a source of frustration and confusion! We will discuss in detail when to worry, when not to, and
how to tell the difference.
How do you easily sort through the many causes of hypercalcemia? Get to the root cause quickly, so you can treat the cause if it can be done.
How to put urinalysis to work for you and your
patient? Urinalysis is probably the most underutilized first tier lab test in small
animal medicine. It requires no expensive equipment and the cost to the clinic is minimal. We cannot treat azotemia and number of other conditions intelligently without it.
This seminar will also teach you how to get the most benefit from using outside labs:
Endocrine testing in detail: for
example, which is better, ACTH Stim or Low Dose Dex? Which of the many thyroid panels should
we choose, and under what circumstances? Can we use A1c testing effectively for dogs and cats?
the latest in PCR and DNA testing:
this will cover testing for the many genetic diseases, for infectious disease and for breeding.
tests for gastrointestinal disease:
TLI, PLI, B12, folate, Dysbiosis Index, diarrhea pathogen panels, alpha 1 fecal proteinase, FISH
analysis, etc.
the latest cardiac blood tests: troponin,
ProBNT, etc.
Colorado State tests for sorting out those elusive
lymphoma cases: PARR, flow cytometery, immunocytochemistry, etc.
the most up to date diagnostic and treatment aids for
fungal disease: from Pan American Vet Lab and Mira Vista Lab.
neuromuscular tests: available at
UC Davis.
Contact Russ
phone: (936) 564-7792 e-mail:
Seminar approved by ETVMA
(East Texas Veterinary Medical Association)
James M. Morton, DVM - President
17 Hour Units for Veterinary CE in Texas
(NOTE: Other states may be added on request
with sufficient notice)
Seminar presented by: